Thursday, July 7, 2011

Help!! By raising a glass, bottle, whatever...

Last week, i made a revelation abt myself. I like to help. And its a wonderful thing! In 2011, the govt has increased the indirect taxes on alcohol. Soon enough, the Maharashtra govt came up with the hare-brained "no daaru under 25" rule. I don't have data to prove it, but am pretty sure that the sales have dropped. People who drank once a day, now drink once in two days. those who drank alternate days, now drink once a week. the wknd drinkers now, drink only on Friday, instead of being sloshed throughout the week. As regards the non habitual drinkers, the lesser said the better - these slimy characters were the first to desert daaru-ship.
For over 10 years, C2H5OH has been a active companion in my good times, low times, boring days, exciting nights, happy occasions with friends, happy moments by myself. Basically, daaru has been an integral part of my adult years, which used to be 18yrs onward. Lucky for me, the Maharashtra govt doesnt have provision of charging citizens of drinking under 25 "before" the ruling came out!! Else, this confession could land me in lot of trouble.
Before digressing, let me make the two points i want to put across. First, since the sales are down and it could trouble the bottom lines and people could lose their jobs. So, the "one down at sun down" club has additional responsibility towards those hard working folks in breweries across the land.
Second, no one is kid in this country. Even the kids aren't kids anymore. This talk of abstinence is going too far. Drinkers like us are the revenue generators for the govt. Why would they want to kill the goose that lays golden eggs? Plus, look at the other auxiliary businesses cos of those who drink - food, cabs, hotels; indirect taxes that we pay - a/c restaurants, service tax, finger food, etc; stuff like home deliveries, telephones, fuel, scrap fellas who deal in bottles etc.
Someone told me very soon farmers wont be allowed to sell their produce to alcohol makers. What abt the food grain thats rotting away in your godowns? Spruce up the FDS to solve the hunger problem and then start meddling in the free market yaar.
All this thinking is pissing me off and making me take to the bottle more often. I wish the govt left us alone. Just do the damn governance first!!

Yes, i don't need a reason to drink. No, i am not an alcoholic. Yes, i love the company. no, i am okay without the chakna. Yes, i like the music too. No, not that one. (You have to come to my level to know what i am talking abt.)
Remember, the timing of this blog is crucial. Have hurried this post closer to the weekend. Pls do your best from friday evening till sunday brunch. 
Lets help the alcohol industry folks. Drinking is the most accessible, pretty affordable habit. Yes, you drink like a fish for few initial years. But then you mature as a drinker. You choose your poison more wisely. You drink more sensibly. You hold ground and you hold your drink. **

Raise a glass friends, cheers!!
** Those who cant, should either stop or find the nearest AA chapter.

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