Why do we feel short of time? And despite depending on other sources to save time, yet we never save enough? Just to spend it in a more better manner...
Time is a currency. It has been for a long time. Only in the last 10 yrs when more and more people have disposable incomes, their need for "quality" time has risen. The good old pyramid structure where once only the elite valued time, has now expanded to the larger middle class, which is desperate to live a good life, and have a good "time". Unfortunately, this good time concept is more materialistic and hence, always the need for more time!!
Since time can neither be manufactured or expanded, it is much more valuable than all our investments and assets. The wife who waits for you to come home for dinner, the kids who grow up while you slog away at your desk, the parents who are patient and understanding, and of course, the parallel time at work - team, clients, commitments etc.
Since more and more of us want to manage lives better and be in control of where we spend what amount of time, it is accompanied with a surge of powerlessness. Its valued only once its gone. Just wanting to be in control of time isnt enough now, is it? Cos, unfortunately we are never told how to manage our time! Throughout our schooling, we have a scheduled life - rise, breakfast, assembly, classes, lunch, home, homework, playtime, dinner, sleep. We are conditioned to manage time - but something happens and we lose plot. We are taught complex maths, we rote biased history - but time management? Never. We waste it royally.
We pretend though - to care enough to make more time. We dont want to waste time watching bad movies, so we go online and read reviews. We dont want to stand in queues, so we pay our bills online, we dont want to go to the govt offices and waste whole day, so we find agents / touts. Yes, good going till now. We are saving time.
The question is, what are we doing with what we are saving? Are we using it where we want it? The way we want it? Are we really in control? I would like to use what i save for thousand other things i wish i could. But do i?
Yes, there is no point to this except blabbering and wasting 3-4 mins of your time :)
Time is a currency. It has been for a long time. Only in the last 10 yrs when more and more people have disposable incomes, their need for "quality" time has risen. The good old pyramid structure where once only the elite valued time, has now expanded to the larger middle class, which is desperate to live a good life, and have a good "time". Unfortunately, this good time concept is more materialistic and hence, always the need for more time!!
Since time can neither be manufactured or expanded, it is much more valuable than all our investments and assets. The wife who waits for you to come home for dinner, the kids who grow up while you slog away at your desk, the parents who are patient and understanding, and of course, the parallel time at work - team, clients, commitments etc.
Since more and more of us want to manage lives better and be in control of where we spend what amount of time, it is accompanied with a surge of powerlessness. Its valued only once its gone. Just wanting to be in control of time isnt enough now, is it? Cos, unfortunately we are never told how to manage our time! Throughout our schooling, we have a scheduled life - rise, breakfast, assembly, classes, lunch, home, homework, playtime, dinner, sleep. We are conditioned to manage time - but something happens and we lose plot. We are taught complex maths, we rote biased history - but time management? Never. We waste it royally.
We pretend though - to care enough to make more time. We dont want to waste time watching bad movies, so we go online and read reviews. We dont want to stand in queues, so we pay our bills online, we dont want to go to the govt offices and waste whole day, so we find agents / touts. Yes, good going till now. We are saving time.
The question is, what are we doing with what we are saving? Are we using it where we want it? The way we want it? Are we really in control? I would like to use what i save for thousand other things i wish i could. But do i?
Yes, there is no point to this except blabbering and wasting 3-4 mins of your time :)